Redfall Development Scrapped, Promised DLC Will Never Release

Redfall has come to an end roughly one year after releasing.

Xbox made the shocking announcement this morning that it would be shuttering Arkane Austin, the studio behind Prey and, most recently, Redfall. Within the past week, questions have started to arise about Redfall and its DLC, which Bethesda promised to players when it launched in 2023. Now, it's known that this DLC will never be seeing the light of day as work on Redfall has now ended completely in light of Arkane Austin closing. 

In an email sent to Microsoft employees today, Xbox Game Studios head Matt Booty announced the end of Arkane Austin. Within the email (obtained by IGN), Booty said that Redfall's most recently update, which launched this past November, would be the final one that the game ever receives. As for the DLC that was promised to players who purchased the "Bite Back Edition" of the title, Booty said that Xbox would look to "provide make-good offers" to those who may have already spent their money on it. 

"Redfall's previous update will be its last as we end all development on the game," says the internal email from Booty. "The game and its servers will remain online for players to enjoy and we will provide make-good offers to players who purchased the Hero DLC."

Initially, Redfall's DLC was set to add two new playable characters that would feature "new skills and unique gameplay." Following the dismal launch of Redfall, though, the game's player base quickly dwindled to the point that virtually no one seemed to be playing it across Xbox or PC platforms. As a result, hearing that the DLC has been canceled isn't a huge shock, but to see that Arkane Austin has now been shut down altogether is a move that many are greatly upset with Xbox for making. 

How do you feel about seeing this work on Redfall end so suddenly? And are you someone who has been patiently waiting for the game's DLC to arrive following its launch last year? Be sure to let me know all of your own thoughts on social media at @MooreMan12
